Friday, October 7, 2011

Day 7: Turning point in life

I thought about this challenge for days. In complete and total honesty, I can't place a set turning point in my life. Everyday I try to change things, try to be better, try to discover more about myself. I did a very quick sketch (very quick, not very good) of things that have and continue to make a difference in my life.

Upper left: Book of Mormon/ scriptures. Upper right: General Conference, middlish: eighth notes- music, bottom: Taylor Building from my alma mater Brigham Young University- Idaho. (Hard to see- my scanner isn't fabulous) I think that right now I'm going through a turning point in my life. Its been a big struggle for a bit, but life continues, and I stick to my values, beliefs, and what I know to be true.
Sorry about the not so fabulous drawings today. Little energy and time. Still have this dumb cold, but its a little better today. I'm determined to still do what I need to today. Tired of being stuck in bed/home. I was tempted not to draw and just say the challenge today, but that's why its a challenge. Work through the junk and discouragement. See you tomorrow with a better drawing. ^^;

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