Monday, November 7, 2011

Sneak Peek

    As promised, since it is National Novel Writing Month, look for the first chapter of my own attempt at writing. ^^; You'll have to give me input and let me know if its any good. The idea has been circling around my brain for years, waiting to get out. Actually, a few of them, but this one is really wanting to. It will be a little tricky with watching Once Upon a Time lately, however.

The story is a retelling of Snow White, but not from the perspective you would expect. It is from her stepmother's perspective. The "Evil queen". Except . . . what if she wasn't evil? What about her side of the story? What really happened and how did the story even come about? 

Sound interesting? I hope so. I've always been one for the underdog and interested in the "background" character stories. This one was huge flash of inspiration while I was driving and heard the song In Defense of the Wicked Queen on my ipod. It was amazing what the character in my head suddenly TOLD me. Maybe that sounds strange, but I've always had stories and characters in my head since I was little. I think it might be time to give them a voice. 

Anyway, it will be an attempt. I definitely am open to help from others to make it better- I was a music major . . not English. If I get courageous enough I may also post it on Deviant Art. We'll see. This in itself is a big step for me. If this goes well it may be the beginning of a series. I already have the magic harp from Jack in the Beanstalk asking for a story of her own. ^^


  1. I am SO excited to see you move forward with this!!!

  2. Thank you! I am too! Very nervous, but excited!
